Virtuism is about is the aesthetics of human virtue, how virtuous acts produce in us the same
experience as great works of art. Witnessing or creating a virtuous act produces the aesthetic experience.
The giving of the good feeling of the aesthetic or "art" experience gives evidence that life
has a higher meaning. The book "Virtuism -- Philosophy and the Aesthetics of Virtue"
discusses other philosophical implications of this relationship.
We will be showing some archival material of the first publications of the Virtuists writing
in the 1980's.
Here are excerpts from early art manifestoes. These are not published in the book Philosophy and
the Aesthetics of Virtue but ocassionally paragraphs were re-used in that book. A book of the Virtuist Art Manifestoes is forthcoming.
The dates given were the dates of the first publication. Afterwards, there were ocassional
edits and small revisions.
One -- Circa 1985
Stay tuned for fascimiles of an early Virtuist magazine publication as well as the Winter 1985/1986
edition of the New York art magazine Artitude.
The book is currently for sale at,, or by special order at Barnes and Nobles
and other fine bookstores.
Since 1994, there have been copies of "The Virtuist Manifestoes" on the Internet. However, the book
"Virtuism -- Philosophy and the Aesthetics of Virtue" has only very little from those texts in it. It
is almost a completely different body of work, centering more on topics of philosophy aimed at the general
public, whereas "The Virtuist Manifestoes" were aimed more at the artist.
Read excerpts from every chapter of the book
"Virtuism -- Philosophy and the Aesthetics of Virtue" here.
Read the Preface and the first two chapters from every chapter of the book
"Virtuism -- Philosophy and the Aesthetics of Virtue" online here, or
download as a pdf file here, or a Word doc here
Read our Press Release.
"Like Tristan Tzara's Dada Manifestos and Andre Breton's Surrealist Manifestos, philosopher/artist Robert Pearson delivers a unique defining work for his Virtuism philosophy. Virtue is giving to others without expecting anything in return, acting from character, from who you are, not how you feel. I am a virtuist and am proud to consider myself a part of Pearson's Virtuism art movement. This book is a work of virtue and deserves a place of honor next to Tzara and Breton on my bookcase and yours too!"
Billy Lamont --
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Telical Books
Virtuism -- Philosophy and the Aesthetics of Virtue
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Two -- Circa 1986
Three -- Circa 1988
Four -- Circa 1991
P.O. Box 27401
Seattle, WA
Pearson, Robert Scott.
Virtuism : philosophy and the aesthetics of virtue / Pearson, R. S.
Type of Material: Text (Book, Microform, Electronic, LC Control Number: 2005930056 etc.)
1st edition.
Seattle, WA : Telical Books, 2005.